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More than an ENFP

Recently in CGA, there has been a lot of different personality evaluations given. There is the Myers Briggs,the strengths finder, the DISC and my least favorite the enneagram. These tests all are very insightful and help me to understand more of the way I was created. They can also bring awareness to why I have the habits I do, and weaknesses I tend to develop.All of these are very helpful in knowing myself deeper ,but I’ ve realized these tests don’t fully explain my true identity.Not one test can give a complete depiction of who I truly am.
It’s like I’m being sold short by explaining myself in hobbies or actions or personality tests when my identity has so much more depth than I can spill out on a survey.
God likes to remind me of some of his scripture in moments I get caught up in taking these personality tests .We can let the world tell us who we are -or let God tell us who we are- Who does God say I am? I thought I would share with you these precious reminders He speaks to me!

1john3:1- Says,See how very much our father loves us! For he calls us his children, and that is who we are.This verse doesn’t mean at some point we will be children,but we already are. We are now in his family, His love is not temporary but Intimate love, and everlasting! He chose us to be his,1peter2:9 -you are chosen people,you are royal priests, a holy nation. Gods very own possession. Mr. Oswald Chambers, a favorite of mine says,” by what right have we become a royal priesthood,it is only by the atonement of the cross of Christ that this has been accomplished.” To me it’s saying,you have worth because of what Our Heavenly Father does,not because of what you do!
We can often as humans hesitate to receive this truth, thinking ourselves as royalty we may feel inadequate or arrogant, but if that is who he says we are why diminsh this truth. By not accepting this identity,is not doing any justice to Gods glory in you.
Oswald chambers says- the continual inner searching we do in effort to see if we are what we should be generates a self centered Christianity- not the simple life of a child of God. So,We have a choice in which identity we accept!
1peter2:24-He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.
Not you can be or might are healed! Your healed from past experiences that you use to define you, healed from abuse, things people say about you. He has healed you.
Galatians 5:7 says it’s for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. In other words don’t look back at your past to bring guilt..the words of God are truth not what’s done.
2cor 5:17- this means that anyone who belongs in Christ has become a new person,the old life is gone, a new life has begun. You are not defined but what you used to do before you know Christ – you are free. We are given new insight and new perspective-

Some questions I like to ponder to myself-Do I let this healing reign in my life?Are you choosing forgiveness and freedom?
Because of Jesus this is your identity Jenna,a child,royalty,free,forgiven,loved. So will you allow yourself to choose your true identity. Will you accept what your Heavenly Father says about you?
As children we have authority to accept truth or lies in our lives, I encourage you to ask the father for what he says about your identity!